Spirit of Hockey - Code of Conduct

What is England Hockey’s new Spirit of Hockey - Code of Conduct?


What is the Spirit of Hockey - Code of Conduct?

England Hockey is responsible for setting the standards and values that apply at every level of hockey as outlined in the Spirit of Hockey - Code of Conduct. 

Hockey is a sport that should be enjoyed by all who participate, be it as a player, official, volunteer or spectator. By producing the Spirit of Hockey - Code of Conduct, England Hockey believes that the highest standards of integrity can be upheld at all levels of the game and can therefore ensure the sport is enjoyable for everyone. The Spirit of Hockey - Code of Conduct applies to all who are involved in hockey.

The Spirit of Hockey - Code of Conduct can be located on this page to download and view in its entirety.

England Hockey takes any breaches of the Spirit of Hockey - Code of Conduct seriously. 

If you believe that a breach has taken place, please view the Discipline and Misconduct page for further information.